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Exciting things on the Horizon

  • So we have reached the point where 2 great battlestars Patrol the Far reaches of Cyber Space.

    Battlestar and Battlestar  

    These 2 mega sites have one mission and that is to unite the fans of the Battlestar Galactica Universe.

    Started back in the 20th Century both of these Battlestars were created and promoted by Richard Hatch, SHawn O'Donnell and Chris Feehan.

    Richard Hatch has always been a huge fan of BSG and a HUGE friend to Fans of the Battlestar Galactica.

    accompanied by Shawn O'Donnell the worlds greatest Battlestar Galactica Fan they have managed to make the BSG Universe a little smaller and a little more intimate.

    THe Battlestar Fanclub (sister ship to the Galactica) was intrumental in breaking the social network barrier 2 years ago when it launched in a Social Network Platform. a Hybrid that allowed fans to interact with each other in a way that hadn't been done in the BSG universe. Dedicated completely to the Battlestar Galactica Universe this site was evolutionary and the network creator (yours truly) had finally fulfilled his dream of a place where Fans can do thier own thing within a website that was created to make it easy to create a group, or to start a discussion, explore creativity and connect with like minded fans.


    My point is. together, the Battlestar Galactica and the Battlestar Fanclub have joined together to create a Universe that you can traverse and do your thing..

    Partnered recently with Emissaries: Galacticon 3 which will bring you the greatest Battlestar Event ever. 

    Edward James Olmos, Aaron Douglas, Luciana Carro, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Jack Stauffer Herbert Jefferson, the incredible Alesandra Toressani (wowzers) Leah Cairns, Michae l Hogan.. FRACK I cannot remember them all. but rest assured they will ALL be there, and it only gets better because Galacticon 3 hasnt even remotely finished negotiations yet..

    Stay tuned to find out the most interesting parts yet to come..