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Battlestar Galactica Series Finale Predictions

BSG is ending tonight! What are YOUR predictions for how it'll all turn out? Here are mine! I am a massive battlestar galactica fan and with the series finale tonight, I want to make some predictions for the show. I think the last cylon, is Baltar. Now, granted, seeing his father in last week's episode threw me off... but I cant think of anyone else I like as daniel. I think baltar will lead the ragtag fleet on, they'll find another planet, and humans will continue. I think that the galactica will send a boarding party to the cylon colony to retrieve hera and sabotage the colony to make the galactica's attack easier. This would be in homage to the last episode of the original series where starbuck and apollo board a basestar to sabotage it so the galactica can attack. I think the colony is destroyed and falls into the singularity. I think galactica does too, but the song gives them the coordinates they need to navigate through the black hole (and go back in time which would explain the nova, the prophecies of Pythia, etc). where they meet the "gods". We know that earth created cylons... but i think that cylons were created on kobol too and maybe even earlier. I think these cylons predate the final five by a long, long time. they gained enlightenment and become like "gods". Their "angels" are Kara thrace and Sam Anders... evidenced by their winged tattoos and the songs (remember both knew important music).
Posted January 1, 2012 - Filed in Autos & Vehicles - #bsg  #battlestar  #galactica  #cylon  #kara  #thrace  #People  #series  #finale  #Apollo  #Kobol  #earth  #daniel  #imrational 
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