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The viper-pilot helmet--note Galactica rising phoenix - Album Photo View - Battlestar Galactica.com Leading the BSG Universe

Parker Gabriel's Album: Archon: From The "Legend"

The likenesses in this collection relate to Archon, son of Boras by Gena, a Warrior in the Colonial Service who, after duty under Commander Cain that worked out poorly for both, transferred from the "Pegasus," Cain's battlestar, to the "Galactica," Adama's battlestar.

Photo 1 of 8 in Archon: From The "Legend"

The viper-pilot helmet--note Galactica rising phoenix
I absolutely HATED wearing the blasted thing! It was so heavy it always gave me headaches.
You will note that this "Galactica"-specific one has a stylized phoenix rising from it.