Galacticon 4
Galacticon is the largest Battlestar Galactica celebration in the world. This event will bring the cast, crew and fans of all the Battlestar Galactica series together and has already featured some amazing guests from the BSG universe. In 2015 Seattle will put on its Colonial Warrior’s dress uniform and play host to Galacticon IV, a weekend long experience that all who attend will never forget! Galacticon IV will not only feature special guests from the Battlestar Galactica universe, but also from the fan favorite, Firefly.
Cylons, members of the Colonial Fleet, Browncoats, even representatives of the Alliance and many other Sci-Fi, Fantasy and comic book characters will call Seattle home for the three day convention that will highlight the very best of artists, writers, and actors from the Sci-Fi and Fantasy mediums.
Galacticon 4 will feature a variety of activities over the weekend including panels, presentations, vendors, autograph sessions, exhibitions, toys and more! Get a chance to have real interactions with your favorite celebrities – not just a 10 second hand shake and photo op. Check out the starship and space vessel showcases, a vendors room full of unique merchandise, and a writer’s workshop featuring professional authors and editors. Show off your best costume for the Cosplay Competition and so much more!
Galacticon IV will be the biggest reunion celebration ever, so come and join us for this great anniversary celebration!
Richard Hatch, Tom DeSanto, Bryan Singer and Ron Moore have done much to keep Glen Larson’s original creation alive. In 1998/1999 Richard Hatch made the short film, Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming, reuniting Terry Carter, Jack Stauffer and other actors affiliated with the original series. Licensing has allowed The Second Coming to be shown at sci-fi conventions, but not on TV or through other media outlets. The tragic events of 9/11 2001 caused DeSanto and Singer to postpone their plans. In 2003, Ron Moore and David Eick were successful with the re-imagined series – causing a new rebirth of interest in the Galactica franchise.
Most recently in 2013, Galacticon took place in Houston, Texas with the biggest Battlestar reunion to date. The event was held at the George R. Brown Convention Center and was held in close collaboration with the popular ComicPalooza. The event paid tribute to the 35th anniversary of the original series, and to the 10th anniversary of the re-imagined series. Guests from the original series included Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Herb Jefferson, Anne Lockhart, Noah Hathaway and Sarah Rush. Guests from the new series were Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Michael Hogan, Tahmoh Penikett, Michael Trucco, Nicki Clyne and more. The event kicked off with more Battlestar series actors gathered together on one stage than at any other time – with Edward James Olmos and Richard Hatch rallying the fans with cries of, “So Say We All!” Fans not only enjoyed panels and wandered the dealer floor, but they also partied with the actors in the bar after hours, where they were lead in an impromptu Beatles sing-a-long with Esai Morales. Please check out our photo section to see more fun that was had by all in Houston.
In 2008, the fans of the show took from the sky to the sea - specifically, the Pacific Ocean. Galacticon became Galacticruise as they toured Mexico from Long Beach, California and back aboard a ship called Paradise. The event started with a pre-cruise dinner with Tom DeSanto, who brought with him materials from the 2001 revival attempt for people to peruse. Other guests included Richard Hatch, Terry Carter, Sarah Rush, Stu Phillips, and the late Robert Feero, who passed away unexpectedly in 2011. Participants viewed the original series pilot, Saga of a Star World, along with several cast members and crew in attendance. They made several stops along the way to Ensenada and saw the sites, Richard Hatch taught his Acting from the Heart class, and Stu Phillips gave a private concert in the piano bar.
2003 marked the 25th anniversary of the show and was held on the eve of the pilot airing of the re-imagined series. In attendance were Glen Larson, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Terry Carter, Laurette Spang, Anne Lockhart, Jack Stauffer, Noah Hathaway, Sarah Rush and composer Stu Phillips. Ron Moore himself answered questions from the original series fans that were in attendance for the celebration. From that moment on the conventions became known as Galacticon. Also in attendance and appeared was Tom DeSanto and Michael Wehrhahn.
And it all started in 1993 with a vision that Richard Hatch had about reuniting both the cast and crew to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the show. Hatch recruited some fans to help him put together the first reunion convention that was held at the Universal City Hilton Hotel, next to where the original series was filmed all those years ago. The show consisted of cast, crew, an art/charity show, a costume contest, an auction, a dealers room and a memorabilia display. Over the years, Galacticon has grown out of his vision.
JOIN US IN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON next year from July 31-Aug.2, 2015. Check our line up of guest so far. More guest announcement to come soon!!!!!!!!!!!