I have decided not to bother and put it down to experience. I have bought many rolex replica sale from other companies in china and have always found those hublot replica sale to be good quality. I will at every chance I get tell everybody not to use your sites to purchase omega replica watches. You must be joking. I did not expect you to ask for another shipping fee when it is your tag heuer replica sale especially when that fee is more than I paid the first time, I am not paying out anymore money on replica watches uk that maybe as bad as the last one. As I have said I am putting this down to experience. I really thought that you were going to come good. I am disappointed. We received the fake rolex sale yesterday. Overall very nice. We have two problems of the omega replica watches uk. My omega replica uk 7750 came with the wrong clasp for 7750. It should have gold double locking 7750 clasp.