Forums » BSG TV Series 2004 (RE-IMAGINED)

BSG TVs 2004 - Concept story, religion and "links".

  • October 18, 2012 3:06 PM EDT

    Greets to all from Athens, Greece.


    I'm 42 years old and fanatic supporter of BSG. Of course I've seen the older series, back then in the late of '70s (I was 9-10 years old). Naturally, the newest series was beyond imagination superb...


    I've finished the new series seasons AGAIN few days ago (for... 8th time!!!), watching them among my wife this time, a strong anti-sci fi fan... but now, a strong BSG supporter like myself!

    Every time I'm re-starting the seasons and re-watching them, I'm not really watching the storyline (I know almost all the... script details by now!), but I'm trying to "interpreter" the secrets, the background, the "juice" of the story/concept...

    First of all, I'm a very strong supporter of Erich von Daniken's theory "Gods from Outer Space". In this theory - which I'm following competely, I'm founding very-very interesting and quite serious to take it as possible - Mr Daniken saying that possibly there was a superior/advanced alien (non-Earthmen) culture/race and they came, visit, stay and developed/"helped" Earth's bio-system. There are many-many mysteries on this planet (like the giant "draws" in Latin America and elsewhere, probably signals but also in some cases, maybe airfields!), many supreme titanic/gigantic monuments (Piramids, Stonehead, etc.), which they indicating there was NO WAY, NO POSSIBILITY for these very-very ancient humanity to build them...


    Now, back in the modern BSG series, we watched an EXACT senario!

    An alien (to our "Earth", to our planet) human superior sci fi race, finally arriving here and finding a very early primitive/paleolithic "human" type of beings!!! And not only that, but we watched the 12th Colonies people spreaded all over the planet - exactly like many-many superior earth-human cultures/civilizations "appeared" all over the planet, so far away from each other and so strong, comparing to their neighbors (Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, Mayas/Inkas, etc.)!
    Also, we've seen these "humans" from the 12th Colonies believing in... a GREEK 12th Gods Pantheon!!! And we watched them, people and ships, with GREEK names (Apollo=Apollon, God of Sun, Atlantia=Atlantis, Geminon=Gemini="Twins"=Dioscuri="The Zeus Two Twin Brothers=Castor & Polux, Athena, Zeus, etc...); also, there is a THIRDTEEN ANCIENT GREEK TRIBE, leaded by a 13th God (Pluto=Ades), a "darker" race/tribe, a "nephelim"-like one!

    Combine all these..., it's a blowmind TV series, for those they're reading/studing such things, like myself.


    What's your opinion?



    Also, I wonna spread the chat about the (many) questionmarks of the series - like what Starback was exactly (Cylon from the 13th Cylon model, angel?), how the original 5 Cylons "were born" in the "original Earth" (the destroyed one) since they were... machines afterall (!), and many other things...

    • 2 posts
    March 6, 2013 11:30 PM EST
    I watch BSG and wonder,maybe this Is how we got here.Ancient Aliens I presume.